Second Speaker Announcement!! I am Speaking at Pocket Gamer Connect – San Francisco!!

March 7, 2024

It is with great joy to share that I have been booked to speak at Pocket Gamer Connect!

This year also marks Pocket Gamer Connects 10th Year! (Happy Anniversary!)

Pocket Gamer Connects Speaker Announcement - Chase Bethea

For years, I have been eyeing to speak at this event for some years and February, the Pocket Gamer team made my dream come true. Pocket Gamer Connect has been running successful events around the world from Helsinki to Toronto to Seattle to Dubai! I could not decide which event to speak at in the city they would be in but this year it happens to be during the week of GDC (Game Developers Conference) The stars have aligned.

I have had the opportunity to be featured on Pocket Gamer.Biz three times

As a video game composer, I will be bringing back my talk, “Hunting with Hits : Tempo Slaying Monsters in Harmony“. I have to admit I am surprised they accept the talk but I am grateful that they did and I am most curious to see the how the audience receives it.

If you were planning to go to my talk, at Pocket Gamer Connects (Thank you by the way), here is an inside look to what to expect more of.


I will be demonstrating how I approach music design for the game “Questlike Pocket” (available on Android) developed by Spritewrench Studios to elevate the players experience

My talk will be Tuesday, March 19th 10:50 AM PST

Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2024 Schedule - Chase Bethea - Hunting with Hits : Tempo Slaying Monsters in Harmony


I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such an esteemed event and connect with industry leaders. I am looking forward to continued collaboration and innovation in the gaming community.