NYX Game Award Interview Published by MusedotWorld
July 7, 2021I have been acknowledged and held in high regard and it feels mighty good! I was recently featured in an interview from Muse.World. In the interview we discuss the NYX Award I won, the process it took to get here and my inspiration behind the music.
Muse.World stated “Chase is one of the most talented video (game) composers in the world, creating music that perfectly suits the game genre and art involved.” I am humbled beyond belief at these words. As a video game composer, I know how steep the competition is. So, this is an incredibly HIGH honour!

Chase is one of the most talented video composers in the world, creating music that perfectly suits the game genre and art involved.
This interview is exciting to me because it’s often highlights other designers in the industry. As I act as my own PR, interviews like these are hard to come by and receive. So, I take these wins when I can.
You can read the full interview here:
Thank you as always for your support! BIG LOVE!