IGDA LA presents How to Make it in Game Audio (in 2020 and Beyond)

September 17, 2020

The game industry is a living breathing community that is full of opportunities! If you want to make it in game audio you have to get yourself out there. Landing a first gig might seem like luck but the amount of time these composers have spent attending conventions, indie game meetups, video call events and any other social gatherings for game developers tells a different story. It was hard work and intentional consistent effort. You might make the most beautiful, moving piece of music anyone has ever heard but if you don’t put it out there for the world to hear, no one is going to be knocking on your door to hire you.

It’s kind of interesting to talk about “making it” in game audio. I personally never felt I did. I suppose the tenacity and passion that I put forth exhibits that I have it figured out. The reality is I’m just experimenting and trying to live the dream on a daily basis. Being asked to do this panel comes with a certain acknowledgment that I’m doing something right and that people want to help get my name out there more. So, I’m very grateful.


Do your homework! In this panel I share a story about how reading half of a game audio book, The Complete Guide to Game Audio by Aaron Marks led me to land my first gig.


Also in this panel, we answer all the burning questions around getting started in game audio and share our personal stories. I think that those getting started in the game audio will appreciate the honest and insightful answers from the amazing talent in this panel.

Some questions include the following:

“What was your first paid gig?”
“How do you meet people and network?”
“What unexpected challenges did you encounter?”
“How do you manage your time as an independent creator?”
“You got your first gig, now what?”

My top three tips for networking:
1.  Respect
2. Consistency
3. Reciprocity

Speakers: Akash Thakkar (moderator) Chase Bethea, Chel Wong, Thomas and Seth of StrikeCast, facilitated by Dru Erridge (Game Breaking Studios) of the IGDA LA Board.