Exclusive Interview with Chase Bethea on NOWPLAYING

June 5, 2024

I am grateful to have been asked by Pierre, a French journalist with a heavy focus on video game music and hosts a podcast called, NOWPLAYING to do an exclusive interview!

NOWPLAYING Chase Bethea Interview

He initially discovered my work about “On the Peril of Parrots Original Soundtrack” when it was released in April 2023.

This is not your typical interview that I have done before due to the specific and unique questions that were asked of me.

In this interview I discuss:

  • The pragmatic pressure of finding new projects as freelance Video Game Composer
  • The “Hope” I give to the Video Game Industry
  • My opinion of Award Ceremonies
  • My transpicuous opinion of Spotify
  • What I have left to prove

and more!

This interview is in French but I believe your browser of choice can translate it accordingly.

I am very thankful to Pierre for the opportunity to share my experience and voice about my current thoughts of the video game industry. I appreciate different questions from interviewers that I have not been asked before.

You can read the full interview here: